Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Meditech Surgical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Meditech Surgical - Essay Example Subsequently, there were problems associated with manufacturing. All the manufacturing sections manufactured products in reference to the calculated or estimated forecasts. However, the calculation of these forecasts was a lengthy process and hence manufacturing could also take long (Kaminsky, 2008). Problems with introduction of new products and manufacturing were driven systematically by the lack of effective communication between Meditech and their associates in business. This ineffective communication translated to Meditechs inability to track stocks in the market hence they could not organize and direct deliveries and production of other products in time. Organizationally, these problems were driven by the lack of a proficient and well organized system of estimating projections, productions, and maintaining their customers happy (Kaminsky, 2008). The customer service manager was the first person to recognize the major issues as he was in charge of the department responsible for receiving calls of dissatisfaction from their distributors and retailers. The customer service manager has a direct contact with these associates (Kaminsky, 2008). In fixing this problem, I would ensure the development of a system that would ensure proper storage of information or data in a bid to make calculation of projections simpler and timely. Additionally, it would be imperative to implement better communication systems that would ensure the tracking of stock in the hands of the distributors and retailers. Tracking how stock is moving would ensure deliveries are made on time and productions made

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