Sunday, October 6, 2019

MBA or Ms in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MBA or Ms in Management - Essay Example I have also previously attended various speeches and seminars in the field of finance and economics. I have previously held the position of a human resource specialist in the group I was working with while undertaking my bachelor’s degree. The experience gave me the opportunity of understanding the real world and how it works while equipping me with clear visions concerning my future. Since graduating, I have worked in a financial group known as the Alrajhi Bank, Saudi Arabia as their recruitment officer. Five years after earning the degree, I anticipate that I will a human resource manager with a financial organization or a general manager at Alrajhi Bank. I would like to get another job at another, larger organization to increase my experience and expand my knowledge. 2. Give A Candid Appraisal Of Yourself. Include Some Discussion Of Your Strengths And Weaknesses While I was studying to obtain a bachelor’s degree in the field of business administration, I worked as a part time human resources specialist in a group consisting of 350 employees. I have also expanded my skills in the field by attending seminars and speeches concerning finance and economics. ... My strengths include the fact that I have a bachelor’s degree in business administration and vital working experiences as a specialist in human resources and recruitment of job applicants. I also have attained diverse forms of knowledge in the course of my studies that will make an asset for any organization I work for. However, I have a weakness – I do not have enough time to adequately satisfy my career desires and responsibilities. 3. Discuss Three Of Your Achievements Or Accomplishments. First of all, I have been able to successfully work part time as a specialist in human resources for an organization that was comprised of over 350 employees. I was able to achieve this while attending classes for my bachelor’s degree in business administration and completing the course successfully. This was very challenging for me, because I had to schedule the limited time that was available for the both tasks while ensuring I achieved success in both of them. Secondly, af ter graduating with my bachelor’s degree in business administration, I was able to secure a job with the Alrajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia, which is one of the country’s financial groupings. I worked in the company as a recruitment officer and have additionally developed competence in the interviewing and advertising for jobs among applicants in the process. Lastly, I have been able to remain competent by acquiring vast knowledge in the fields of business administration, finance, and economics through the process of attending classes, speeches, and seminars. All these events were located in places and were also addressed by different prominent people in the business world who had different ideas and vast experiences in the field. 4.

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