Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Constitution Essays - James Madison, United States,

The Constitution I support the Constitution. I feel that this is what the United States needs and that it is our only hope to get through this hard time. The United States will remain weak if this country does not ratify this so important document. Our country right now is in serious debt. This proposed Articles of Confederation replacement will get us through this hard money-less time. I support this Constitution with great pride. The first reason I support this magnificent document is just as right now under the Articles of Confederation, the country is falling apart. The country is in serious debt. The country has many problems. The Articles are providing no order to the states. We need a new hope. States are printing their own money making trade impossible between the states. We also need this Constitution to help stop the revolts from soldiers and other people demanding money. The U.S. needs this document. I do not understand why the Anti-Federalists have fears and oppose our future. The second reason I support the Constitution is the United States will remain weak if the Constitution is not ratified. If the states can not get along and agree under the Articles of Confederation, then we need something new that will bring this country together. This Constitution will do this exactly. It will create a central government that will control that states and keep them together. It will though deny the states from entering into any treaties, alliances or confederations. It will also solve the problem of states printing their own money. Thus, bringing the states closer together. The powers the states were able to keep and the powers that were denied, control any one state from becoming to powerful. The Constitution of the United States will bring this country together. The third and final reason I support the Constitution of the United States is that our country is in some pretty serious debt. The Constitution of the United States will give us a new light and way to go and get through these barriers the Articles of Confederation are presenting. After we had finished this turning point war, we had exhausted all of our gold. The soldiers are demanding their pay for their work during the war, but their is nothing to give them. The value of the dollar has dropped to about $0.35! This means prices are going up. The Constitution has the solution to this problem too. Our country is printing money without the gold to back it up. This is the solution the Articles of Confederation provided, but the Constitution would never allow this to take place. We need this document and we need it now. As a Federalist I feel this Constitution is a safe and secure investment to our country. Anti-Federalists feel and say that the Constitution will take away individuality. This is not so because of the soon to be added Bill of Rights. The first item on the list to be added will protect against the lose of individuality and many others. In these paragraphs I have explained why I so proudly support this Constitution. I have told why the Constitution of the United States will solve out money problems, state relationship problems, and our problem of becoming a strong new nation. All of these problems have a one word, one line answer, Constitution. That is why I support this awesome and magnificent document.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on A Novice Anthropologist

you and all into one word, â€Å"y’all,† a common practice for their dialect. Also, while in Chattanooga, I hardly ever heard anyone curse, whether or not if it was at a sports game, or yelling at another person. I then studied what the people of Chattanooga did in their free time. In the household I was staying in, video games were not ever played and were looked at as a ... Free Essays on A Novice Anthropologist Free Essays on A Novice Anthropologist A Novice Anthropologist When I was younger, my family and I were able to take a trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee in order to visit my Aunt Becky, Uncle Jim, and my two cousins, Sarah and Amy. While visiting, I realized the many differences that my family in Tennessee lived with, unlike the routine I went through from day to day. Now that I have an idea of what kind of jobs anthropologists perform while conducting field work, I am able to realize that some of the activities I performed while in Chattanooga, were also typical of an anthropologist. The first thing needed for an anthropologist to conduct field work is permission from the people to have a place to stay. Luckily, my Aunt allowed me to stay in this â€Å"alien† land for two weeks, which is actually a very short period in comparison to the two years that a regular anthropologist would stay while conducting their field research. Next, I needed monetary funds to conduct my research on these foreign people. After being rejected for a grant from my father, I gained a one time employment opportunity from my Uncle for cutting his grass, an activity that seemed more native to me than to either one of my female cousins. Now that I had everything needed to begin my field research, I was ready to begin. One of the first things I noticed about these people from the south, was their bizarre pronunciation of the English language. At first, I stuck out from everyone else by the way I spoke, but as time went by, I began do simple things in order to hide my accent. For example, I would combine the words you and all into one word, â€Å"y’all,† a common practice for their dialect. Also, while in Chattanooga, I hardly ever heard anyone curse, whether or not if it was at a sports game, or yelling at another person. I then studied what the people of Chattanooga did in their free time. In the household I was staying in, video games were not ever played and were looked at as a ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The relationship between Henry Miller's novel Tropic of Cancer and Research Paper

The relationship between Henry Miller's novel Tropic of Cancer and Allen Ginsberg's poem Howl - Research Paper Example When â€Å"Howl† and â€Å"Tropic of Cancer† were published they suffered a huge oppression of the American government. That is because deeply conservative and short sighted mass of people didn’t find it appropriate to talk so freely about the most intimate and close topic of sexual intercourse. Surely the main theme of these works is not only sex because sex is an obvious symbol of confronting the environment. Today films, books, cartoons, comics and magazines show and talk about sex in any way but it was totally different from the times of â€Å"Howl† and â€Å"Tropic of Cancer†. The main point in our discussion is morality and ethical definition of what is right and wrong. Government of the USA judged these books in the court and did not publish them until years and decades because people thought it was immoral and wrong to allow the distribution of them. There is no bad advertising and any publicity attracts attention. Silly and foolish critique s as well as the representatives of government did exactly the opposite to what they wanted to do. They made these books incredibly popular by attracting to them a huge audience of curious readers. Such funny thing happened in the country which most of the world’s population thought was the land of freedom and homeland of the liberty and that made a contrast sharper and brighter.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Tenure of Dianne Feinstein as Mayor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Tenure of Dianne Feinstein as Mayor - Essay Example We analyze how the people of San Francisco tried to preserve a balance among wealthier and poorer elements of the population. We also illustrate the buildings that were renovated or taken down and how Walker assesses whether the efforts were successful or not. San Francisco is a city famously recognized as a beautiful, vivacious and highly habitable. This was not the case in the 19th century because the city was excoriated to an astonishing extent, soon after the rich made it have a scene of improper management. In the present day, it would have been of less admiration if the unusual disturbance opposing to the newly construction could not have taken place. The opposition was remarkably successful, and such a situation had not yet occurred elsewhere in America and this rebellion is the one that makes the city more welcoming for the people’s habitation (Richard 200). Dianne Feinstein offered her service as the 35th mayor of San Francisco. She was the first female to ever get th e position as mayor. Her election was for two complete terms. She served as the mayor in 1978 after the death of Harvey Moscone. She was extremely judicious; she strongly supported law and measures of order. On several occasions, various feminist groups and the gay got annoyed with her. This was so because she was able to manage her attitude with open minded views about the way of life. During her time as mayor, she managed to demonstrate her skills in politics and great level of governmental ability (Mikulski and Catherine 145). In the gubernatorial race in 1990, Pete Wilson defeated Feinstein. However, she effectively managed the portion of the term of Wilsons Senate that was unexpired, in 1992. She became particularly famous in the United States because the active political practice in the state. She also participated actively in the neighboring politics and in the ruling body. Various constituencies in the society got appealed by Feinstein, by the way she followed a moderate pat h which integrated several intriguing political customs and the politics which was conservative. She had center of attention to issues of offense. She was also interested in the police staffing and the centralized expenditure for the cities. She succeeded in controlling the level of crime in the city (Roberts 253). Challenges were there too despite Diane's efforts. This has seen in the balancing of the budget which the cutbacks exacerbated in the condition and centralized spending for the cities. While in the Senate, Feinstein stood on very firm stand regarding several issues. She was remarkably honest against the verdict of President Bill Clinton to formulate Mexico a United State partner in the battle against drugs that are not legal. Later on she successfully managed the city budget, inaugurated the administration that had freedom and the workplace guiding principles. She fully supported the growth of downtown and the expansion of money matters. Through this, she was able to be a friend to downtown business interest. Feinstein always considered the security of civilians to be on the forefront. She was able to make Laguna Honda Hospital acquire grant by creating compliance of the hospital with the state and the centralized law. When Feinstein she was sixteen, her uncle took her to San Francisco Board of Supervisors (the city council) gatherings. Later on she

Monday, November 18, 2019

Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Descartes - Essay Example He doubted everything even the existence of God, nevertheless he considered atheists as the benighted people (Watson, 226). Descartes claimed that sense of perception could be the source that definitely should be doubted as our feelings was subjective dimension of sensation. He was perturbed that people had regarded senses as a basic source of beliefs. It was constant for Descartes that only approved facts could be seen as general truth in the world. Philosopher declared â€Å"if I wanted to establish anything at all in the sciences that was stable and likely to ask† and â€Å"I want to discover any certainty† (Dicker, 1). That statement was viewed as Descartes’ goal due to the perspective of Method of doubt discovered by him. All knowledge was examined as related one and they needed to be built on solid and reliable facts from our field of experience. Descartes represented undeniable example of his respectful ideas. He argued that the process of thinking was cogent one as this was continuous proceeding. Such implication was related to every subsisting person. â€Å"Cogito, Ergo Sum† that means â€Å"I think therefore I am† was considered to be Descartes principal notion (Watson, 232). What was more a big number of his investigations were constructed on this profound idea. He intended to accomplish the idea that no existence without factual confirmation was occurred in our dimension. Investigations in the field of philosophy regarded Descartes’ ideas as rather skeptic ones. They sounded radically and unilaterally in some perspectives that was why the concept of skepticism regarded as characteristic to Descartes’ philosophical notions. It should be mentioned that veiling of skepticism was present in his thinking. However, Descartes himself did not regard his concepts as skeptical ones and claimed that he â€Å"had refuted

Friday, November 15, 2019

Childs Safety In Mind Children And Young People Essay

Childs Safety In Mind Children And Young People Essay A good early childhood environment meets the childs basic needs and supports and encourages children to engage in activities that implement the programs curriculum. the environment is designed to enable staff to facilitate the optimum learning for their children. the environment makes parents and guardians feel welcome, involved, and empowered. Kids often trip or tumble so the play space should accommodate this with safety precautions. Local building codes for childrens indoor play areas are also important to ensure the area meets all standards during the construction phase. An early childhood environment is many things: Its a safe place where children are protected from the elements and are easily supervised, and its where the important activities of the day take place, such as playing, eating, sleeping, washing hands, and going to the bathroom. The success of an early childhood environment is not dependent upon aesthetics and design alone. Places Children Can Call Their Own. A basi c human need is the need to belong. Children need to feel they belong, too. They need to be close to people they know, have familiar and comfortable objects, and be in a setting that has a personal history for them. Early Childhood Environments Should Be Functional for Both Children and Teachers Accidents- leading cause of death for children. Most deaths could easily be prevented, so it is important to keep your childs safety in mind at all times. Children are most commonly exposed to lead by the ingestion of paint chips or dirt that is contaminated with lead-Those days lead was an ingredient of paint, so children living in older homes with chipping paint are most at risk for lead poisoning- Reviewing your homes risk for causing  lead poisoning- avoid purchasing older toys at yard/garage/rummage sales. Some may have been recalled for lead paint- eating foods that are cooked or stored in imported or glazed pottery. Make sure older buildings contain no lead, asbestos or other toxic materials. Your community health department or child care center licensing agency can put you in contact with experts who can take samples of paint and other materials for official findings. Learning to use  baby products  correctly and according to age appropriate recommendations. Putting  door knob covers  on doors that you dont want your child to open, including the bathroom, rooms that arent childproofed. Checking the floor regularly for small items and toys that younger children can choke on. includes marbles, balls, uninflected or broken  balloons, small magnets, and small toy pieces. Keeping all of the  top household poisons  out of your childs reach and in a childproofed cabinet. Ice pack-angin medicine-kids panadol-first aid-updated regularly. You can prevent falls and/or things falling on them; As with infants, be sure to secure chairs, tables, shelves, lamps. so they cant pull them over on themselves. If you have windows that they can reach, be sure they are screened, open from the top, or keep them closed and locked. If you cant- barricade them. Installing  smoke alarms  and  carbon monoxide detectors.- common sources of carbon monoxide ex posure include:- Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Oil and gas furnaces Motor vehicles Stove/Gas range Placing latches and  locks on cabinets  and  drawers. Installing a  stove guard  in front of the stove to keep your childs hands off the burners. Securing appliances, including the refrigerator, dishwasher, and oven, with an  appliance locking strap. Installing covers on electrical outlets- Take a look around your home at your electrical cords- move them out of reach.   Be sure your stairways (stairs, porches, decks, lofts, etc.) have railings- if possible one that a child can reach. If your steps are prone to being slippery, put tread mats on them or carpeting- something non-skid. If you are using a high chair for toddlers, be sure they have a wide base (so they cant be tipped over) and always use the restraints. Never leave your baby unattended in the bath. Be sure your smoke alarms are working properly. SAFETY SCISSORS-dap equipments! A baby gate should be an important part of every home with children. These items safely block off different parts of the house that are potentially dangerous to toddlers such as staircases. If there are any areas of the house that your toddler should not be going to yet, then you definitely need to find a gate to keep them safe. Ideally, they should be easy to install sturdy and be made of materials that are safe for your toddler. guidelines for buying the best one possible: A frame that connects to a door frame and does not have any gaps for the heads or fingers of children. Be sure there are no sharp edges. Do not use gates with potential foot holds. Do you have toys or objects like marbles, legos, etc that have a diameter of less than 1 1/4 inch (about the size of a half dollar) or have detachable parts? If so they need to be thrown out or put away and NOT USED in your daycare for toddler safety/ Keep all plastic bags and Styrofoam packing out of their reach for toddler safety-Choking/suffocation and Poison hazards Common sense tells us to keep all medications, cleaning supplies, insect poisons, bug spray, weeds killers out of reach or locked up. be sure that all sunscreen, perfumes, and cosmetics, alcoholic beverages, vitamins, and pet supplies are as well. Do not chemically treat your yard, use insect/rat poisons, or weed killer when the kids are present.  Also, can the kids get behind your T.V.? If so, move it so they arent able to. If you have your computer, DVD players, cd players within their reach, move them up high so they cant.  Keep lighters and matches out of reach. Be sure your toilet lids are always closed. Always keep sharp objects out of a toddlers reach. Only takes a couple of seconds for those to become sharp! So are the edges of an aluminum foil/plastic wrapping box! There must be two exits out of each child activity room. One exit must lead directly to the outside. There must be a fire suppression system throughout the facility. Follow guidelines-health/fire departmnt. Th e building will need to have high ceilings to accommodate the main play structure. We recommend between 5 and 6 meters. Insurance?Equipment made of?-high quality. Matainance-carefully evaluated and assessed on an annual basis. If you have a working fireplace, wood stove or space heater, is it safely screened and inaccessible to children? Are privacy locks on bathroom or bedroom doors inaccessible to children? Can the lock be opened quickly from the outside? Does the kitchen meet fire safety standards? Is fire protection available within a short distance of your center? Does the center have adequate hand washing and toileting areas in the rooms occupied by children? The location for the preschool play area is one of the most important decisions- Choosing the location for each piece of play equipment takes some time and consideration. An open space with plenty of room for active preschoolers is essential. The room also needs some degree of security depending on the particular situation. In a child care setting, a room that is easy to monitor and keep secure is more important. Avoid areas with high air pollution/near gas stations where there are underground or above ground gas/oil storage tanks. Survey-surrounding-road-CAR parks. Once the location is established, the foundation of the room begins to take shape. Responsive/Stimulating-Not overwhelming(DAP)(colours). Because so many child care facilities have limited space, it can be challenging to respond to the uniqueness of each child within a collective environment. Young children have unique personalities and needs that require us to respond to them as individuals, not as members of a group. Th e environment must be responsive to this need. Ease of cleaning, maintenance, supervision, cost, and adult aesthetics should not detract from providing spaces children feel are designed for them. Children need to have private areas, secluded corners, lofts, and odd-shaped enclosures. Individual cubbies for each childs clothes and belongings, photographs of home and family, and at least a couple of secluded areas where two or three children can gather allow children opportunities to maintain their individuality and break away from the group to avoid over stimulation. Accurate measurements of the area help with the indoor play equipment selection. It also helps when choosing and purchasing the floor covering. A soft flooring option helps prevent injuries when children fall off of the soft play equipment. Preschool children often fall; soft surfaces such as mats underneath protect the kids. A rubber floor covering is a common option for a childrens indoor play area. It helps absorb the shock when a child falls from short play equipment. Gymnastic mats are another option for the area. These floor mats also help absorb the shock. Foam mats are also used for kids play areas. Local building codes governing childrens play areas might have specific requirements for the floor covering so its always a good idea to check first. A floor plan of the room helps determine the layout of the childrens indoor play area. It should provide a mixture of play equipment that is appropriate for preschool-aged children. The budget will influence the selection of the equi pment. Soft play equipment is a popular option if the budget allows. These special pieces of equipment are designed to prevent injuries as the young children play on them. Evaluate the entire center, including the playground, hallways, and bathrooms. Hire professional-know 1st aid/***- handle young ones-follow RATIO. knowledge and understanding of infant/toddler growth patterns and developmental needs are critical in providing appropriate care and experiences. Creating play zones that separate the different types of play equipment increases the safety of the childrens indoor playground. Consider the amount of space each toy needs, including a buffer area to allow easy movement. The types of activities that go well together are also a factor. Once the arrangement is selected and the soft play equipment and other play areas are set up, a final walk through is needed. This test run checks for a good flow in the indoor play area to make sure the kids wont constantly run into one another. Kids and adults should easily move around all of the play equipment. A clear line of vision for the adults from all vantage points in the room is another key factor to check during the test run. Noise making area separate-quiet ones. Managing noise is important in a classroom. Placing carpet on the floor absorbs noise as absorbent tile on the ceiling. The reading center should be next to a quiet area like the art area. Blocks are loud, and should be located next to other loud areas such as the woodworking bench. Noisy activities can also be placed in transition areas or moved outside in good weather. group size, the developmental stages and the infants/toddlers needs shall determine the amount of space and spatial organization. The environmental needs of non-mobile infants are different from those of mobile infants, as space becomes a crucial consideration for young infants developing gross motor skills such as crawling and walking. The use of appropriate barriers is necessary for the safety and protection of younger infants. Dividers are any physical object that serves to delineate areas within a classroom, create interest areas, control traffic, and distribute children throughout the classroom. Almost anything can be used as a divider, so long as it is safe shelves, couches, fabric hung from a line, streamers attached to the ceiling, folding screens, puppet stages, etc. Safety is obviously a critical issue. Some dividers are easy to push over. The larger and heavier they are at the bottom, the safer. A divider can also be secured by fastening it to the floor or a wall. Several equipment companies have introduced dividers that attach directly to storage units and furniture. Ideally, dividers should be multi-functional for use as storage units, play furniture, and display boards.  Keep in mind that solid dividers or walls of more than 30-40 inches high disrupt the circulation of air in the classroom and limit supervision of children. Less solid dividers, like fabric, avoid this problem. One teacher creatively used colorful fabric streamers attached to the ceiling as effective dividers. Unlike traditional classrooms, early childhood environments need to support both basic functions and learning activities. Look around your classroom from a childs perspective. Are toilets, sinks, windows, faucets, drinking fountains, mirrors, towel racks, chairs and tables, tooth brush containers, and bulletin boards at the childs level and child-sized? Are classrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and eating areas close together so that children can develop self-help skills and important autonomous behaviors? Like children, teachers also need to have spaces that are functional. Teachers need to be able to arrange and rearrange their classrooms for various class activities and supervision purposes. Classrooms that include permanent, built-in features such as lofts, playhouses, tables, benches, alcoves, and cubbies can be problematic. These types of fixed features make it difficult for teachers to create areas for gross motor activities, can cause injury in active children, or prevent inclusion of physical activities altogether. Classrooms built as a basic shell work best. Adaptations must be made carefully for any child with special needs, be they physical challenges, learning disabilities, or emotional issues. Brail and large lettering can be used for children with visual impairments, and sign language can be incorporated into the curriculum for those children with hearing impairments. Reducing distractions, glare, and over stimulation helps accommodate children with ADD and ADHD. Visual images are an important part of developing a feeling of belonging in all children, so it is important to display pictures of single parent families, grandparent families, and homes of every race and ethnicity, including interracial, multiethnic, and adoptive families.  The entire center should also reflect diversity throughout the world race, ethnicity, languages. Storage areas are a little like entrance and exits-they receive lots of traffic and are noisy and congested. For these reasons, storage areas can sometimes foster disruptive behavior and noise. Provide easy access to materials, allowing children to get what they need quietly and easily. The closer materials are to where they will be used, the better. Storage must also be designed so that materials for independent child use are separate from those teachers control. Activity Area Access. Activity areas need to be located next to supplies and be easy to clean up. The classic example is the art area. While providing easy access to paint, easels, paper, and brushes, the art area needs to be close to a water source and on a surface that can withstand a mess. Similarly, the reading area must be close to book shelves, magazine racks, and comfortable places to sit. CHILD SAFETY This is especially true once their children become mobile and start crawling their way into trouble.  Child safety is a very sensitive issue and importance for it is rising in the recent times with the rising cases of child missing, child injuries, child labor and so on. As a social citizen; it is your duty to support child safety awareness and this could be best done by protecting your own child from the world. efforts which you put to save your child from any of the dangers. Saving your child is extremely easy as it mainly includes one precaution which if followed by you can surely make a change. This precaution is that you need to keep a constant eye on your child. The areas for play, diapering, feeding and napping shall be set up to maximize contact between the caregiver and the infant. These areas shall allow the interaction to be unhurried and quiet. Areas (especially play areas) for non-mobile infants shall be separate from those for mobile infants. The napping area shall be physically separate from other activity areas. Partitions or other suitable barricades shall be used to separate the napping area from other areas. The outdoor activity area shall be suitably surfaced and well-drained. The outdoor activity area shall be equipped with a variety of age-and developmentally-appropriate toys and equipment. The outdoor activity area shall also have shaded areas. Cribs/cots shall be of sturdy construction with closely-spaced bars. Each crib/cot shall be occupied by only one infant. Each crib/cot shall have a firm mattress and it shall be covered with vinyl or similar moisture-resistant material. Cribs/cots shall be arranged so as to provide a walkway and work space between the cribs/cots sufficient to permit staff to reach each infant without having to step over or reach over another infant-observable. Separate facilities shall be provided for food preparation. Food preparation utensils and equipment shall not be used for other purposes. Sufficient and suitable facilities shall be provided for the sterilization of milk bottles. Sinks with running water shall be provided near the diaper change area at a ratio of one sink for every 10 infants /toddlers aged 18 months and below. Sufficient potty chairs shall be provided for the infants / toddlers- kept separate from the kitchen/food preparation areas. Sleeping infants shall be placed on their backs rather than on their fronts to ensure that their breathing is not interfered. Any other soft materials that may potentially block the airways such as pillows, blankets, comforters, and bean bag chairs shall be removed. Feeding equipment and all surfaces used for food preparation shall be sterilized after each use. Liquid soap shall be used and hands washed under running water before and after diapering before and after preparation of meals and feeding an infant when in contact with bodily fluids such as mucus, urine, saliva or faecal matter Disposable paper towels shall be used for drying hands. The diapering area shall be disinfected with each diaper change. Soiled diapers shall be placed in plastic bags and disposed of in a covered bin, preferably with a step pedal to reduce the risk of contamination. Log book RECORD-allergies/ diaper changing routines/ feeding times/ injuries/visitors

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Poem Comparison of Mr bleaney by Philip Larkin and In Memory of My Gran

Poem Comparison of Mr bleaney by Philip Larkin and In Memory of My Grandfather by Edward Storey The two poems that will be conveyed and compared will be 'Mr Bleaney' (by Philip Larkin) & 'In Memory of My Grandfather' (by Edward Storey). Both verses describe the character of the poem. The character in the poem on the Grandfather has admiration, but Mr Bleaney is disturbed. In this essay I will compare the character, poets feelings and attitude to each man. Furthermore, the similarities and differences in structure, language and image between the two poems will be compared and lastly my preference and emotional responses. To begin with what each poem is about. Mr Bleaney is a descriptive and narrative verse. There are two voices the landlady's and the poets, Mr Bleaney is given in the view of the depressed lyricist. Mr Bleaney is given the life of the writer through his lonely years. It is about a man named Mr Bleaney who lives through a lacklustre yet ordinary life, but the place he lives in is shown through a kitsch light. On the other hand the Grandfather is compared to a tree and the whole poem has the description of his appearance through the grandson's observation. Now I shall move on to the characters. Mr Bleaney has a sad life because he lives in a place called 'The Bodies.' The word body is used when someone is departed. So this means who ever lives in this house is nobody. They are metaphorically deceased. The poet describes Mr Bleaney using environments and surroundings. He suggests Mr Bleaney is not intellectual, 'sixty watt bulb' very dim, has a restricted life. Additionally he has no possessions of his own, 'behind ... ...uthor achieved his expectations of the character by evaluating him with a tree, 'his voice rough as the bark of his cracked hands.' So both artists have achieved their prospect to an extent. The reactions and images that I received from this poem vary from the writer. My preference is that I had learnt a lesson from the Mr Bleaney's poem is 'we treat ourselves the way we tell other people to treat us.' The grandfather poem did not give me many lessons except that he is the most respected character in the lyric and the whole sonnet is personified, with the tree. Additionally I blemished many disparity and distinction between the poems. There weren't numerous resemblances though. In conclusion the Mr Bleaney has told me he was a lonely and a middle class man, but the grandfather was a free sprit and lived life his way.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Daily Telegraph

For my coursework piece, I decided to a newspaper editorial which had been published online. The piece was written as if it had been published in The Daily Telegraph, a right-wing middle class newspaper. I chose to do the piece because I am interested in current affairs and newspapers, and I am a very opinionated person. I thought that a newspaper column would be a good place to share my opinion on the topical story of waterboarding. For my style model, I went onto the Telegraph's website and found a newspaper column by Boris Johnson, the Conservative Mayor of London. As a Conservative, his column had a slight anti-Labour bias, although it was very subtle and often humorous. I attempted to replicate this when I mentioned that waterboarding is classed as an ‘enhanced interrogation technique' and quickly quipped that that was â€Å"more spin in one phrase than Alaistair Campbell managed in an entire dossier† – a reference to the controversial September Dossier which ‘sexed up' claims that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. From that quote, we can see some of the writer's persona, seeing immediately that they are critical of the Iraq War, despite later making it clear he is a Conservative (â€Å"thankfully, I'm a son of Thatcher†). We can see more of the writer's persona throughout, by writing with a high register, we see that they are quite sophisticated and maybe slightly arrogant. The piece starts with a graphic description of what would happen to a victim of waterboarding, but as it features direct address, it makes the reader feel like that it is happening to them – â€Å"you have a bag over your head†, â€Å"you are shackled†, â€Å"you feel like you are drowning†. After each description of the torture, the actual theme is introduced. Originally, my piece was going to follow a structure by which each waterboarding scenario would be followed by the writer's opinion, but before my final draft I decided that this actually distracted from the main point of the article, so I decided not to continue with this idea. My main argument starts in the paragraph beginning â€Å"Let's be clear on this matter†. That sentence of â€Å"let us be clear† makes it seem like I know what I am talking about and that I am being completely honest. My arguments are further bolstered by listing officials who have disagreed with George Bush's claims, such as the Director of Public Prosecutions and the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights. The summing up of my arguments begins with George Bush's original comment which sparked this news story. The language used in the ensuing four paragraphs is emotive, and reads almost as if it were a speech. It really attempts to put the reader on the side of writer, and make them believe that Bush was completely out of order. The story was published on the week on which Remembrance Day fell, so I as the writer incorporated this to try and shock the reader and make them nod sagely in agreement with me when I state that the reason we entered the Word Wars in the first place was to â€Å"fight for our lives and our rights†, and then contrasting that by saying that Bush â€Å"a former leader of the free world† can say that â€Å"freedom and democracy†¦ can go to pot if it might save some lives†. The following one clause sentences have a short and long lasting impact by simply refuting Bush's claims. I enjoyed writing this piece, as it gave me a chance to put my opinions forward. Having my peers read my work and give feedback was a good experience that I enjoyed, as I like people correcting me and reading my work.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Cmo llenar el formulario G-325A para greencard

Cmo llenar el formulario G-325A para greencard Cuando se solicita la tarjeta de residencia  por  matrimonio para el cà ³nyuge extranjero es necesario que cada uno llene una planilla que se conoce como G-325A.   La finalidad de esta planilla (forma) es que el gobierno pueda verificar el historial  de ambos cà ³nyuges, tanto el que pide la tarjeta de residencia, como el extranjero  para el que se solicita. Por este motivo, cada uno de los esposos debe cumplimentar independientemente su propio formulario. Es decir, cuando se envà ­e la documentacià ³n al USCIS hay que incluir en el paquete dos G-325A. Esto aplica tanto a los matrimonios heterosexuales, es decir, entre un hombre y una mujer, como a los matrimonios  homosexuales, entre dos hombres o dos mujeres. Quà © informacià ³n se solicita en la G-325A Escribir el apellido/s donde pone family name Nombre de pila en first name Segundo nombre, si lo hubiera en  middle name Marcar con una x la opcià ³n correcta de sexo. Si se es  varà ³n marcar  male, si si se es  mujer female La fecha de nacimiento (date of birth), empezando por el mes, dà ­a y aà ±o. Por ejemplo, si se nacià ³ el 24 de marzo de 1970 hay que escribir 03/24/1970 Nacionalidad (citizenship/nationality).  Ã‚  No se pide el paà ­s del lugar en el que se nacià ³, sino la nacionalidad actual. Por ejemplo, si el ciudadano americano que pide a su cà ³nyuge tiene tambià ©n otro pasaporte por doble nacionalidad, debe poner siempre USA, no la otra. Nà ºmero de identificacià ³n (file number). En el caso de la persona que solicita a su cà ³nyuge es ciudadano americano  desde su nacimiento contestar None o N/A. Si es ciudadano porque se naturalizà ³, poner su Alien Registration Number, que puede encontrar en el certificado de naturalizacià ³n. Si el que pide es un residente permanente, poner el nà ºmero de ocho o nueve dà ­gitos que comienza con una A y que aparece en su greencard. Si sà ³lo tiene ocho nà ºmeros aà ±adir a la izquierda un cero hasta tener un total de nueve dà ­gitos. En el formulario del extranjero para el que se piden los papeles en la mayorà ­a de los casos la respuesta es None. Pero si en el pasado tuvo un expediente abierto con alguna autoridad migratoria es muy posible que tenga uno. Mira aquà ­ quà © es el Alien Registration Number y cà ³mo encontrarlo. Otros nombres (other names). Por ejemplo, una mujer al casarse puede cambiar su apellido. En este caso,  en otros nombre tiene que poner el suyo de soltera, o incluso el que utilizà ³ en matrimonios anteriores. Esta pregunta se refiere a nombres legales, no a apodos. Ciudad y paà ­s de nacimiento (city and country of birth) Nà ºmero del Seguro Social (U.S. Social Security). El que pide la greencard deber poner el suyo, el cà ³nyuge extranjero, salvo casos muy concretos, no tendr y la respuesta es  None en esa casilla. Si lo tuviera, ponerlo. En family name, donde pone father escribir el apellido del padre y donde pone mother el de la madre. Justo debajo aparece entre parà ©ntesis maiden name. Es para los casos en los que la madre adoptà ³ despuà ©s de casarse el apellido del marido, poner ahà ­ el apellido de soltera. Si, por el contrario, nunca tomà ³ el apellido del marido no ser necesario que escriba nada.   En la casilla siguiente donde pone First name escribir el nombre el padre y de la madre A continuacià ³n escribir la fecha de nacimiento del padre (date of birth) y justo debajo en la misma casilla el de la madre En el cuadrado  siguiente escribir la ciudad y el paà ­s en el que nacieron (city and country of birth) Y, finalmente, en la casilla city and country of residence  escribir el nombre de la ciudad y del paà ­s en el que viven. Si uno  de ellos ha fallecido, escribir deceased. En current husband or wife escribir el nombre del esposo o de la esposa, comenzando con el apellido en la casilla que pone family name. En el caso de que la esposa hay cambiado el nombre al casarse aquà ­ en concreto es necesario escribir su apellido de soltera. En la casilla siguiente donde pone first name  anotar  el nombre de pila del esposo o esposa con la que la persona que llena el formulario est casado/a A continuacià ³n su fecha de nacimiento del otro cà ³nyuge  (date of birth). Es decir, la esposa escribir en su planilla el dà ­a de nacimiento  de su  esposo y el marido en su planilla el de su mujer. La siguiente informacià ³n consiste en escribir la ciudad y el paà ­s en el que nacià ³ el  esposo/a del que llena la planilla (city and country of birth) En date of marriage escribir la fecha en la que se casaron, empezando por el mes, seguido del dà ­a y del aà ±o. Finalmente, en place of marriage poner el lugar de la ceremonia, escribiendo el nombre de la ciudad y el paà ­s. Si se celebrà ³ en otro paà ­s, estos son los requisitos para que el matrimonio celebrado en el extranjero sea vlido. En la siguiente là ­nea hay que escribir esa misma informacià ³n, pero relativa a esposos/as anteriores. Si este es el primer matrimonio simplemente poner N/A en las casillas en las que piden el apellido  del anterior esposo/a (former husband or wife. Family name), el nombre (first name), la fecha de nacimiento (date of birth), el lugar y fecha del matrimonio (date and place of marriage) y fecha y lugar de fin del matrimonio por divorcio, anulacià ³n o viudedad  (date and place of termination of marriage). Si hubo anteriores bodas, llenar esos datos en la casilla que corresponda. A continuacià ³n, en applicant ´s residence last five years, hay que poner los lugares en los que se ha vivido por los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os, en orden cronolà ³gico. Es muy importante comenzar con el actual y en las là ­neas siguientes escribir los anteriores. En street and number poner calle y nà ºmero, en city, el nombre de la ciudad, en province or state la provincia o estado, en country el paà ­s y luego en from hay dos columnas, una en mes y otra en aà ±o. Ahà ­ se pone la fecha de inicio, poniendo en nà ºmeros el mes (month) y el aà ±o (year). A continuacià ³n done pone To, y hay que escribir  hasta cuando se vivià ³ en esa direccià ³n. En la siguiente là ­nea donde pone applicant ´s last adress outside of the United States of more than 1 year, si se trata del cà ³nyuge extranjero que vive en el extranjero y ya ha colocado la informacià ³n en la casilla anterior, entonces escribir N/A. La misma respuesta para el cà ³nyuge que vive en Estados Unidos y no ha vivido en el extranjero en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os por ms de uno. Si ha vivido, deber enumerar dà ³nde y las fechas. En la siguiente là ­nea, donde pone applicant ´s employment last five years, escribir por orden cronolà ³gico los empleos. Se pide, en primer lugar, el nombre del empleador y su direccià ³n, a continuacià ³n el tipo de trabajo desempeà ±ado (occupation) y finalmente las fechas de empleo. Comenzar siempre por el trabajo actual. En el caso de haber sido estudiante, escribir student y si se ha estado desempleado unemployed. Si nunca se ha trabajado, escribir N/A. En la siguiente là ­nea pregunta por el à ºltimo empleo en el extranjero (last employment abroad). Si se trata de la planilla que est rellenando el cà ³nyuge extranjero que vive en otro paà ­s, responder N/A, porque la respuesta ya est en la là ­nea anterior. Si est contestando el cà ³nyuge que vive en USA, la respuesta tambià ©n ser N/A, a menos que en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os haya trabajado en otro paà ­s. Si ese es el caso, poner el nombre del empleador y su direccià ³n, el cargo desempeà ±ado y las fechas del trabajo. En la siguiente là ­nea es muy importante prestar atencià ³n. Si se trata de la planilla que est llenando el cà ³nyuge extranjero, entonces deber marcar con una x la casilla que pone status as permanent resident. Por el contrario, en la planilla que llena el cà ³nyuge que es ciudadano, entonces debe marcar other y especificar por escrito in support of spouse ´s I-130. A continuacià ³n, en la misma là ­nea, firmar y poner fecha   Por à ºltimo, en el à ºltimo recuadro justo antes de acabar la hoja escribir el apellido del que rellena la planilla  en family name. En given name, el nombre de pila. En  middle name el segundo nombre, si lo hubiera. Y en Alien Registration Number, Poner lo mismo que se escribià ³ en la parte superior de la planilla donde se preguntà ³ por el file number. A tener en cuenta al llenar la planilla La planilla G-325A, como todas las del USCIS, es gratuita y se puede bajar directamente de internet. No pagues por este tipo de formularios. Si no sabes una fecha exacta, no la inventes. Simplemente en vez de especificar dà ­a, mes y aà ±o escribe simplemente el aà ±o. Si tampoco ests seguro de eso, puedes escribir que no lo sabes poniendo la palabra unknown. Si bien no es recomendable abusar. No saber una o dos fechas puede ser admisible, pero ms puede dar lugar a que el USCIS simplemente no acepte como buena la forma y pida que se vuelva a llenar.   Este tipo de peticiones de familia (para cà ³nyuge) es el ms frecuente. Pero tambià ©n se puede pedir para los hijos. En el caso de ciudadanos, tambià ©n pueden solicitar a padres y hermanos. Si tienes dudas sobre quà © tinta emplear, quà © hacer cuando el espacio provisto en la planilla no es suficiente, etc, lee este artà ­culo sobre cà ³mo llenar las planillas de inmigracià ³n. Las cosas pueden ir mal La peticià ³n de la green card puede ser negada por muchas causas. Antes de comenzar el proceso asesorarse con un abogado particularmente en casos de persona que se quiere pedir que est presente en Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de ilegalidad, ya que no siempre se pueden arreglar los papeles. Tambià ©n asesorarse si est fuera del paà ­s pero tiene pendiente una penalidad por deportacià ³n y/o por estancia ilegal en los Estados Unidos y le aplica el castigo de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Statue Of Liberty

The Construction of the Statue of Liberty The construction of the Statue of Liberty began in France in 1875 by sculptor Auguste Bartholdi. He was commissioned to design a sculpture that would be completed by 1876. It was not finished until June of 1885.The Statue was a joint effort between America and France. The American people were to build the pedestal, and the French people were responsible to build the Statue. It was to be assembled in the United States. (Pickin, 208) Lack of funds became a problem for both America and France. The French used public fees and various forms of entertainment. Gounod, the famous composer, wrote a song to the statue which he presented at the Paris Opera. In the spring of 1878 a lottery was organized to help with the funds. There was a law in France that permitted lotteries for charitable and artistic causes. The Statue of Liberty qualified under both of these. It was soon discovered that the statue would cost much more than they first thought. The final cost of approximately $250,000 was completely contributed by the French people. The French government did not have to aid in the construction of the statue. In America, the proposal to construct the statue reached the United States even before the Franco-American Union issued its appeal for funds in 1875.A committee was appointed in September 1876 to secure funds for the pedestal. The committee was appointed by the famous Union League Club in New York. John Jay served as the chairman. A similar committee was established in Philadelphia. The United States held theatrical events, art exhibitions, auctions and prize fights to assist in providing the needed funds. The fund raising was going very slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer who is noted for the Pulitzer Prize, used his newspaper, â€Å"The World† to help the fund raising effort. Pulitzer publicly criticized the rich for failing to finance the pedestal construction and he Blair 2 criticized the middle... Free Essays on Statue of Liberty Free Essays on Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty was the idea of two frenchmen who admired America's freedoms, and although Lady Liberty was their brainchild, it was, in fact, really a gift from the people of France who funded it by through private donations. Lady Liberty has welcomed millions of immigrants from around the globe. She was give with the hopes of celebrating universal freedom and she has served her purpose well. Lady Liberty is commonly percieved to be a joint Franco-American Conglanoration, but in fact, has roots that are much older. The simple tale is that the generous French offered Liberty as a gift, honoring America's cherished ideals of freedom and opportunity for all. The true circumstances, of course, were much more convoluted. The idea for the Statue of Liberty first took hold of the imagination of its sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, during a dinner party at the home of Eduoard-Rene Lefebvre de Laboulaye, a French intellectual and activist who hoped to sponsor an enormous monument that might serve as propaganda against the conservative leaders of the then shaky French government (Trachtenberg, 28). Bartholdi had always wanted to create a colossal, awesome structure, and Laboulaye named him to create what Laboulaye envisioned as an powerful political lever for shaping French government and society. The first conversations with Laboulaye occurred in 1871, more than fifteen years before the Statue of Liberty would actually stand within New York Harbor. A lot of arm-twisting for funds took place in the meantime, along with two trips to the United States, and a variety of differing sketches for the statue. At the sametime, Laboulaye managed to rise quickly to prominence within the French government, pushing an amendment through the chambers of parliament that essentially called for the establishment of republican status for France. The result: the Third Republic. To fortify their regime, Third Republic leaders strongly advocated the... Free Essays on Statue Of Liberty "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door." Lady Liberty greeted millions of immigrants as they arrived in the New World and continues to greet millions of tourists from around the world each year. While the Statue of Liberty is as much as an enduring symbol of New York City as the Empire State Building, Broadway or Central Park, it's also one of America's primary symbols of freedom. Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to design a sculpture with the year 1876 in mind for completion, to commemorate the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence. The Statue was a joint effort between America and France and it was agreed upon that the American people were to build the pedestal, which was designed by architect Richard Morris Hunt, and the French people were responsible for the Statue and its assembly here in the United States. However, lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In France, public fees, various forms of entertainment, and a lottery were among the methods used to raise funds. In the United States, benefit theatrical events, art exhibitions, auctions and prize fights assisted in providing needed funds. Meanwhile in France, Bartholdi required the assistance of an engineer to address structural issues associated with designing such as colossal copper sculpture. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel was commissioned to design the massive iron pylon and secondary skeletal framework which allows the Statue's copper skin to move independently yet stand upright. Back in America, fund raising for the pedestal was going particularly slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer (noted for the Pulitzer Prize) opened up the editorial pages of his newspaper, "The World" to support the fund raising effort. Pulitzer used his newspaper to critic... Free Essays on Statue Of Liberty The Construction of the Statue of Liberty The construction of the Statue of Liberty began in France in 1875 by sculptor Auguste Bartholdi. He was commissioned to design a sculpture that would be completed by 1876. It was not finished until June of 1885.The Statue was a joint effort between America and France. The American people were to build the pedestal, and the French people were responsible to build the Statue. It was to be assembled in the United States. (Pickin, 208) Lack of funds became a problem for both America and France. The French used public fees and various forms of entertainment. Gounod, the famous composer, wrote a song to the statue which he presented at the Paris Opera. In the spring of 1878 a lottery was organized to help with the funds. There was a law in France that permitted lotteries for charitable and artistic causes. The Statue of Liberty qualified under both of these. It was soon discovered that the statue would cost much more than they first thought. The final cost of approximately $250,000 was completely contributed by the French people. The French government did not have to aid in the construction of the statue. In America, the proposal to construct the statue reached the United States even before the Franco-American Union issued its appeal for funds in 1875.A committee was appointed in September 1876 to secure funds for the pedestal. The committee was appointed by the famous Union League Club in New York. John Jay served as the chairman. A similar committee was established in Philadelphia. The United States held theatrical events, art exhibitions, auctions and prize fights to assist in providing the needed funds. The fund raising was going very slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer who is noted for the Pulitzer Prize, used his newspaper, â€Å"The World† to help the fund raising effort. Pulitzer publicly criticized the rich for failing to finance the pedestal construction and he Blair 2 criticized the middle...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Chinas Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Chinas Economic Growth - Essay Example China has experienced tremendous economic growth over the years. This growth however comes with a number of problems including environmental degradation, management of exchange rate, export dependency, corruption, healthcare provision, a growing income inequality and many more. These problems have threatened to undermine the benefits of the country's economic growth. Increased environmental pollution and natural resource degradation have proved to be very serious negative consequences of rapid industrial development in China. This has led to problems like desertification, soil erosion and fall in the water table, particularly in the northern parts of the country. Even though the country has passed various environmental laws and taken part in a number of international conventions against pollution, pollution still remains a very serious concern in China, both now and in the future. According to a WHO report in 1998, seventy per cent of the most polluted cities in the world are in China. China's own evaluation admits that over 66 per cent of its cities are polluted, with two thirds of them being either severely or moderately polluted. Consequently, heart and respiratory diseases have become major causes of death in the country. Most of Chinese rivers are polluted and more th... The problem of severe water scarcity has also come out particularly in northern China (Starr, 2001). This has threatened the country's economic growth, forcing the government to plan diversion of the Yangtze River water to northern China cities which include Tianjin and Beijing. Thirty per cent of China has experienced acid rain as a result of massive air pollution. China's GDP has been growing at a rate of between 7 to 10 per cent every year. However, over 300 million people in the rural parts of the country do no have access to clean, safe water. Moreover, about 800 million people in China have not seen any improvement hygiene and sanitation in the recent years. China has attempted containing its rising industrial pollution mainly through efforts aimed at increasing public awareness and through administrative procedures. The severely polluted Pearl River Delta, which is among the country's first major industrialized areas, was targeted for a clean-up. Chinese officials were hopeful that replacing sewage treatment plants in cities within the delta would make it possible for the river to sustain a fish population before the year 2000. China has also seen the emergence of a growing environmental protection industry. However, in a number of areas, pollution has been accepted as a cost related to economic development. China's Three Gorges Dam has sparked a lot of controversy with regard to its environmental impacts. This controversy has mainly been among environmentalists both within the country and without. Critics have been of the view that silting and erosion of the Yantze River is a threat to a number of endangered species in the area. On the other hand, Chinese officials have maintained that this dam will go a long

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Franz Kalfa's Metamorphosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Franz Kalfa's Metamorphosis - Essay Example Although the family continues to care for him, providing him with food and water and cleaning his room once a day, Gregor becomes more and more detached from them, eventually finding it difficult to keep track of what has been happening around him. His room becomes dirtier, his family becomes less attentive and he becomes less concerned with their welfare in connection with his own. As his sister and mother move his personal furniture out of his room, he leaves the room with a mind toward helping his sister, but is instead attacked by his father, becoming wounded in the process when an apple thrown at him becomes lodged in his back. Rather than tending to his wounds, the family locks him back in his room again where the apple is able to fester for months. The room becomes the general receptacle of household debris before Gregor’s final attempt to reconnect with his family results in such harsh and complete rejection that he simply crawls back in his room and dies. Through the story, Kafka uses the concept of work to highlight some of the problems of the human condition. It can be argued that Gregor’s transformation is a literal indication of his feelings of separation from humanity, including from the members of his own family, as can be seen in from the very beginning of the story. Despite waking up to find himself in the form of a bug, Gregor’s primary concern remains to get to work in order to continue supporting the family who has been dependent upon him for the past five years. As he reflects upon his position, he reveals the level of disconnectedness that has already occurred between himself and his family, indeed the rest of humanity, since he took a job as a traveling salesman: â€Å"And apart from business itself, this plague of traveling: the anxieties of changing trains, the irregular, inferior meals, the ever changing faces, never to be seen again, people with whom one has no chance to be friendly† (13). Even in his own home, he